Feeling Good and Looking Good

Why is physical fitness a personal matter?

Personal fitness is a personal matter because it determines how you feel about yourself.  You should never compare yourself to other because you can never  be or look like them because they born differently from you.  Don't let others determine you.  Attitude is very important if you want to feel good about yourself.  You need a positive attitude because it takes time for results to happen.  If you want feel good about yourself it's up to you to take action.  

How do some people neglect their health risk factors by choosing not to participate in physical activity?

People neglect their health by not having the proper nutrition and not exercising.  Some people think that if they're skinny then they are  healthy therefor they don't need to exercise but that is false !  You need to live a healthy lifestyle because it benefits you in every way.  If someone has more body fat but has  proper nutrition and exercise on a daily basis then they are healthy even if they look fat.  It might just be genetics.  People needs to remember that it's not always how you look that determines if your healthy but what you do . They say that in order to be fit you need to play sports but there are many other alternative for instance swimming, running, and yoga are great ways to help stay fit.  Also, everybody needs motivation.

What are the primary health risk factors, and which ones may be controlled?

There are 11 primary health risk factor.  They are inability,obesity, smoking,stress, tension, high blood pressure, inactivity, high level cholesterol, gender, heredity, and age.  Controllable risk factors are  inability,obesity, smoking,stress, tension,high blood pressure,inactivity,and high level cholesterol.  Uncontrollable are gender , heredity , and age.  Things you can do to control theses risk factor is to exercise and eat right.  Changes you can do to your lifestyle is to not eat fast food even though its very delicious you need to control yourself.  Also, you can play sports, hike,  bike, walk, and run 

What benefit are gained by exercising?

Their are 11 benefits of exercising it's that it improves appearance, improves body image, improves health, increase muscular strength and endurance, increase level of energy, improved physical improvement, increase successes in school work and job, helps cope with stress, sleep better, and live longer. Benefits gained from exercising is that it  improves appearance and improves body image.  When you feel good about how you look and how others see you it makes you happy and makes you  feel better about yourself.  Also,  it helps lessen stress because that is one less thing you need to worry about yourself.  When you start exercising you start noticing that you have more energy.  With more energy it helps you to get things done quick with less error.  Also, it helps you to stay awake which helps you to be more focus which it leads to better academic grade. 

What is the relationship between wellness and personal fitness?

Wellness is describing someones commitment to live a healthy lifestyle.  Personal fitness is part of wellness.  Their are 5 components of wellness  mental fitness, emotional fitness, environmental fitness, social fitness, and spiritual fitness.  Wellness is all about being fit and personal hygine

What is a personal fitness program?

Personal fitness program is a plane designed to help select activities that will help you to improve your lifestyle.  It helps you make choices that will help you establish physically active habits which result in  a healthy lifestyle. PFP will help you improve your nutritional habit, consuming  water,getting appropriate hours of sleep, and learn to reduce stress.  You can't wish you look a certain way but what you can do is take action.As you progress you will gain more knowledge.